Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Another year coming to an end. For me, this means the usual round of introspection - what did I do during the year that was of any value to anyone, did I accomplish any of the goals I'd set for myself, could I have done things in a better way...yeah, the usual.

It wasnt a very good year overall. Major problems healthwise, issues at work, things on the personal front not working out...but I suppose that happens to everyone at some point or other in their lives. There were some happy memories too. Sister's wedding, connecting with long lost friends, a raise....And the good thing is that I'm in the recovery process already. So I know in my heart that things will finally turn out fine. I might not get everything I want - who does anyway - but I'm sure I have good things coming my way in 2007.

So here I am, on the last day of this year, looking forward to the coming year with a heart full of hope. My resolutions for 2007:

* Full recovery from the back problem
* Get my financial affairs in order
* Move out into a place of my own - learn to take care of myself instead of looking to my parents for everything
* Achieve a better work-life balance - No more workaholism, more time for friends and family
* Follow my heart instead of my head. Live life, really live it. Believe in myself a little more, and listen less to people who tell me "It can't be done". Because it can. And I will.

This is where I turn the page. Here's looking forward to a new beginning.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, cheerful New Year full of hope and good luck !!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Catching up...

I mentioned in my last post that I've got back in touch with some of my old school pals.Well, since then we have had two get-togethers.And I'm so relieved to be able to say that nothing's changed.

Oh of course everyone's older,some have put on weight,some have lost weight (lucky people!!), some have got married,a couple of them have even had kids.Everyone is in different lines of work.But the great thing was,inspite of all the years and all the external changes,deep down we have all managed to remain the same people we used to be.As a result,it has been incredibly easy to just take things up from where we left off.

We all had a great time remembering teachers, school pranks, common friends,teenage escapades...I cant remember the last time I felt so close to a group of people.
I guess this just goes to prove something I've always believed to be true - that nothing, but nothing, can ever come close to school friendships.

Here's to old friends!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Back again.After more than six months.Feels good.

A lot has happened since my last post....Got a promotion at work.Sister got married.Made some new friends.Discovered the wonders of Orkut.Lost weight.And then put on weight again...Developed a back problem that's been harrassing me like anything recently..Started a series of lifestyle changes to stem the damage...And so life goes on.

Over the next few days I hope to finish a series of posts on my recent travels..the south India trip ka story was left at day 3 and I will take it thru to the end..some day...

Right now,looking forward to a school reunion that's happening tomorrow.My Class 12 batch of friends has suddenly rediscovered each other,and those of us who are in Delhi are meeting tomorrow.Most of us will be seeing each other after 12 years...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All I ??

My attempts to bring this hibernating blog back to life aren't really doing very well.I have not posted anything substantial for months now,and for someone who used to average 3-4 posts a week it's quite a come-down.

Should I just give up and shut down this blog? Or should I try harder to find something I want to write about? Where does one go in search of inspiration??

Sunday, February 26, 2006

What's your world view?

I just took a test...and this is the result.

Your World View
You are a fairly broadminded romantic and reasonably content. You value kindness and try to live by your ideals. You have strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.
You respect truth and are flexible. You like people, and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.

Fight for justice

I'm back. After 6 months...the longest break so far.Caused partly because I was busy with other things, and partly because I didnt really have anything to write about.

But today I do have something to write about....Anyone reading the newspapers and/or watching the news over the last few days cant have escaped the news about the Jessica Lal case.How the man who killed this young woman in the presence of a huge number of people is now going free. I'm sure the judgement has shocked you just as much as it shocked me.

Investigations have shown how the case was mishandled by the police right from the beginning. NDTV has now started a signature campaign to call for a re-trial. All you need to do is send an Sms saying JESSICA to 6388.Each sms will contribute towards making the petition a success. NDTV will be forwarding the same to the President of India. The pressure being brought on by the media is already working, as can be seen from the very recent transfer of S.K.Sharma who was the investigating officer in the case.

All of us, at some point of time or the other, have ended up cribbing about how the system sucks and we cant make a difference even if we wanted to. Well here is our chance to do just that. India has a very aware and proactive media and judiciary, but we as ordinary citizens need to support any initiatives they take if things really have to change.

So go ahead and send that Sms. Over 1 lakh people have already done it. I did too, and also messaged everyone in my phone book requesting them to do the same. Tell as many people about it as you can. Write to your MP. Write to NDTV ( expressing your support. Publish a post on this issue on your blog. Jessica's family have been waiting for justice for so long now, they need all the support we can give them. Let's not let this one become another failed effort at seeking justice.

Do something. Show you care.