Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Soaped to death....

You hear it everywhere these days. In office, in buses, in friends' conversations, at family gatherings, even at your own home. The dreaded K words. The godawful K-prefixed soap operas that take up my mom and dad's time every evening are so popular it scares me.

Everyone I know and their aunts, seem to be so involved in these so called stories. What Karan did, what Tulsi said, what Pallavi planned, who married whom, who cheated on whom, who was shot dead, who was reborn.....The scriptwriters of these mushy, silly shows seem to have become more powerful than God himself ( or maybe it should be herself, but more on that some other time). They can resurrect dead characters from the grave, kill perfectly healthy ones thru instant cancer, give them a makeover thru plastic surgery ( mind you, not just the face but even the height and voice change.....). I've tried watching a couple of shows, but had to give up. Sometimes out of disgust, and sometimes because I was laughing so loud I couldnt hear the dialogues.

I refuse to understand how logical, rational people can get hooked on to stuff like this. And what's worse, they are getting their kids hooked as well. Don't they realise what they're doing?

I'm sure there are lots of people like me out there, who dislike these soaps and prefer more intelligent stuff. But from the looks of it guys, we are in a minority. What a shame.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Butterflies in my stomach...

My week of relaxation ends today. Tomorrow, I start my new job. Of course I'm jittery. I mean, it's not just a new job. It's a return to the way of life I'd left behind about a year and a half ago. The BPO I've been working in since then, has got me used to things like unusual work hours, late nights, cab transport, casual work environment and all that. Now, I'm joining this big corporatised travel agency where the work day begins at 9.30 am, the dress code is strict and there are no cab pick-ups.

It's going to take some getting used to. But I'm sure I'll manage. After all, that is what I was doing before the BPO stint.

Anyway, like my wise friend VC said, the only thing constant in life is change. So life, here I come!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New beginnings

2004 was a very eventful year. A lot happened, good as well as bad. MMS became a household world, for example. Camera phones came "into the picture", pun not intended. But the earthquake-tsunami of 26 Dec overshadowed everything. It was the worst disaster of recent history, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. The total loss to life and property is still being calculated. The scars will take a long time to heal.

But there is something about a new year that makes one feel better about things. A New year brings with it the hope that the worst is behind you and the best, yet to come. It's like a new page in a notebook, giving you a chance to make a fresh start to the story. I hope 2005 will allow me and everyone else to make that fresh start.

This new blog, the new job, are all part of my fresh start. Here's to new beginnings!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

So here we are again

I guess it had to happen sooner or later. I've finally moved to Blogger and adopted a new blogger identity. 2005 is a new year for me in so many ways. New job, new hair colour, and now a new blog. Cool!!

This is of course a test post. More to come.