Sunday, February 04, 2007

That time of the day...

It's getting close to bedtime and the old familiar ache is back in place..The urge to pick up the phone and call you, to hear your voice one more time, oh just one more time...To ask you why the goodnight messages stopped without anything being said by you or me..To tell you how my day was and ask you how yours went...Of course what I most want to know, I'll never have the courage to ask you.
Maybe you see my pain but choose to ignore it. Easier that way of course. And gradually I suppose we'll each make our peace with the situation and get on..and fade out of each other's lives like ships passing in the night..
But for now, the silence of the phone is deafening.

Bigot or plain stupid??

A friend emailed me a link that I just have to share with others. This guy deserves all the publicity he can get!!

Retail therapy

Its amazing what a pick-me-up an afternoon of shopping and mall-crawling can be. Especially when you find the pair of jeans that fits just right, even though you're not what you used to be 2 years back...and the sweater in that particular shade of electric blue that you always dreamed of....and when you end it all with a sugarfree chocolate gelato....